6 simple tips to start or maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle
6 simple tips to start or maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle

Reasons to Workout!
The holidays are ending but that doesn't mean we take the foot of the pedal, summer isn't over yet! #Protein #PersonalTrainer #Nutrition...

Weight Loss Friendly Foods!
A selection of healthy food groups that can assist in weight-loss but more importantly in helping you maintain a healthy nutritious diet....

Not enough Time in the day!!
This is the number one reason that most of us are not exercising. While I completely understand the lack of time, I also know that when...

Not feeling it today?
Today like every day got up ready to go to work and thought "I need a day off, in fact I deserve a day off!" Then I remembered there was...

When Life get's in the way!
I have a few clients that worry because life is getting in the way of their training or upsetting there new healthier eating habits. This...

Do I need to Diet or Exercise?
A common question I hear is whether to start the new fitness regime with a diet or exercise, some feel that both at the same time might be t

Be interested, be educated and then be Committed!
The poster says it all, but it falls short on the HOW do I do it? The answer my friends is get educated. Whether it be in nutrition or in...